kd lang | Love is Everything (Jane Siberry cover)

“The title of Canadian singer-songwriter Jane Siberry’s 1984 breakthrough sophomore LP also still serves as her mission statement: No Borders Here,” (Tone Glow). “As one of Toronto’s most prolific tone poets and troubadours, her work has long ridden the divide between pop form and sonic abstraction, carefully dodging any traps of easy definition through detail and duration.

Erstwhile music critics often compared the ethereal leanings of her stretch of records for Reprise as Canada’s answer to the likes of Kate Bush or Laurie Anderson, but even these ties are somewhat of a slight. Her genre-agnostic innovation is fully drawn from intuition—a record like her retrospectively celebrated 1988’s The Walking merged koan-like lyrical hooks with thick vocal arrangements and impressionistic textures. Over the years, she’s collaborated with Brian Eno, Peter Gabriel, k.d. lang, Michael Brook and Mary Margaret O’Hara.”

Under the affectionate care of Siberry’s intermittent collaborator, fellow Canadian kd lang, “Love is Everything” (originally released by Siberry in 1993) is a showcase for lang’s stunning palette of vocal colors. Fully immersed in the lyrical sweep of Siberry’s lyrics, lang’s voice ranges from a soft breeziness to the power of her trademark belt — which for all of its impact, always seems to leave a bit more in reserve. The tune’s intro and verses are in D major; the chorus, first heard at 1:21, is in A major. But the shift to A major, in addition to being closely related to D major, is perhaps further obscured by voicing all of the A chords with D major’s leading tone, C#, in the bass. The next verse returns to D major at 2:11.

Many thanks to Mandy D. for calling our attention to this 2005 performance of the tune — her second contribution to MotD!

Judy Garland | I’m Always Chasing Rainbows

“MGM’s musical extravaganza of 1941, Ziegfeld Girl, directed by the reliable craftsman Robert Z. Leonard, stars some of the studio’s most beautiful women: Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr, and Lana Turner,” (EmanuelLevy). “The story focuses on three showbiz hopefuls and their efforts and fortunes in achieving their ultimate goal, becoming a glamorous ‘Ziegfeld Girl.’ … truly memorable is the series of lavish dance numbers, which are spectacular in costume design and scale … which do both Florenz Ziegfeld and choreographer Busby Berkeley proud.”

Although “I’m Always Chasing Rainbows” was made famous via other releases as early as 1918, the tune is often associated with Garland’s versions. What thoughts must have gone through Garland’s head as she sang yet another beautiful tune about rainbows and bluebirds? Her original version from Ziegfeld Girl, also included below, didn’t feature a key change. But later in her career, on her own TV show (episode 23, taped 2/21/1964 and aired 3/8/1964). Garland sang an expanded version of the ballad which included a half-step key change at 1:51.

Many thanks to Amanda D. for bringing this tune to our attention — her first contribution to MotD! Thanks also to our regular contributor Jamie A. for providing details on the air date of this performance.