Share a Mod

If you have a modulation to contribute, wonderful! Guest posts are the best! We prioritize guest contributions, keeping variety as a guiding principle. Please keep in mind, though, that it might take some time for us to post your contribution; we try to balance our output by genre, era, and contributor and also from day to day, week to week, month to month. Before contributing, please do a site search to make sure we haven’t already covered it!

Option 1: Just ID the tune, send it in, and we’ll write it up. But we’ll still credit you (unless you prefer otherwise)! Please let us know how you want to be credited: your full name, first name only, your Twitter handle, etc.

Option 2: Please include a video link to the performance of the tune you feel is the best (or if one’s not available, a link from SoundCloud, BandCamp, etc.). Include a brief write-up on the tune, including some or all of the following:

  • some background on the performing artist(s)
  • release date (year)
  • some details about the tune, including timeslate(s) for the modulation(s);
  • the songwriter(s), lyricist(s), etc.;
  • maybe a cool fact about the era or the story behind the composition; and perhaps a brief section of a great review or column about the tune (with attribution).
  • Please provide links to any supplemental information you provide.
  • If possible, please add some kind of a memory/trivia/connection — a personal detail is a wonderful thing to add to the post!
  • Last but not least, please let us know how you want to be credited: your full name, first name only, your Twitter handle, etc.

Drop us a line!